Agricultural Support
The GFC is working in partnership with local producers to manage the online producer directory, a site built by farmers, to make it easier for eaters like YOU to connect with local food.
Keep scrolling to learn about the many ways that we seek to support local agriculture in Southwest Colorado!
Mobile Farm Workforce
2020 marks the third successful year of employing our Mobile Farm Workforce. This workforce was launched to fill a critical need of local producers -- on demand, skilled labor. Our mighty team of 5 helped local cideries (like EsoTerra and Fenceline) pull in 18,300 pounds of apples! In addition to providing critical labor, the MFW also created new jobs that paid a Living Wage and provided skills training and meaningful employment to this hardworking group of community members.
The Enterprise Zone Contribution Project
The Enterprise Zone Contribution Project is a fund that specifically seeks to support our farms and farmers of Southwest Colorado by filling critical labor gaps, providing key infrastructure necessary to expand regional markets, and caring for agricultural land. Thanks to generous donations from individuals and groups throughout the year, we are able to offer a Living Wage to members of the Mobile Farm Workforce!
Market Development
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NCCC AmeriCorps Harvest Support
The height of harvest season can get pretty intense! Fortunately, the GFC gets to host this amazing crew of hard-working young people for 5 short weeks. This crew helps out tremendously with numerous projects around Durango, Bayfield, Mancos, Hermosa, and more! The 2020 crew harvested a whopping 24,663 pounds of food from orchards, backyards, and farms in the region!! This crew's efforts provide the much needed labor that goes a LONG way to feed community and maintain a sustainable food system.